“I’ve known Mark as my pastor and dear friend for 17 years. I endorse There’s Still Hope 100%. Whether you are a sex addict or are married to one, call Mark and Beth. Their program works!”

– Terry Bradshaw

By Lucy Nicholson – stock.adobe.com

Meet Our Team

Dr. Mark Denison

Married to Beth since 1983, Mark was a church planter and senior pastor for three churches, over 31 years. He was a university board chairman (three times), NBA chaplain, and has authored 12 books. His degrees include a Doctor of Ministry, Masters of Divinity, and Masters in Recovery. Mark is a certified PSAP and is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors. He is also a regular contributor to C3 Global Network. In late 2017, Mark and Beth launched There’s Still Hope. Each week, Mark works with individual clients, leads seven Freedom Groups, and leads several Couples Groups along with Beth.

Beth Denison

Beth and Mark have been married since 1983. For 31 years, Beth was a faithful pastor’s wife and popular conference speaker. An alumnae of Houston Baptist University, Beth became co-director of There’s Still Hope in 2017. She is a Certified Life Coach and an A.A.S.A.T. Certified Partners Recovery Coach. In her daily ministry, Beth works with women who have suffered the trauma and betrayal from being married to sex addicts. She offers specialized one-on-one coaching, leads Partner Recovery Groups, and co-leads several Couples Groups. She is the author of 12-Week Partner Recovery Guide and co-author of Couples Recovery Guide.

Michael McBee

Raised in Ohio, Michael was an accomplished student and athlete, while struggling for years to find freedom from his sexual addiction. This led to a life marked by unhealthy sexual behaviors, overindulgence, and selfishness. After hitting rock bottom, Michael entered recovery through a national 12-Step program. He earned his certification as a Life Coach and Sex Addiction Life Coach through the Addictions Academy. Michael is also an experienced leader of Freedom Groups and the 90-Day Recovery Program as a part of TSH. He has been married to his wife Sarah since 2019.