For those of us living in the United States, this is a dark day in our nation’s history. On this date, February 25, 1913, Congress passed the 16th Amendment, which set the legal basis for the national income tax.
No one enjoys tax day. Otherwise, they would pay more taxes than is required. But paying our taxes is actually biblical. Jesus said, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s” (Mark 12:17).
There is a larger principle in play here. It’s not just about paying taxes. The bigger lesson is that we must live within certain rules and parameters in order to have a productive society.
The same principle applies to recovery. Your sobriety must adhere to certain rules – accountability, community, and honesty, for example. Just like paying taxes, it is critical that you engage in recovery activities even when you don’t want to.
Recovery Step: You still have 50 days before you have to pay your taxes. But you can’t wait another second to commit to a daily recovery routine.