“Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined” (Daniel 11:35).
Your stumbling ways never catch God off guard. In fact, he will use them – every time. The Hebrew word used for “refined,” in our verse, means to complete or perfect. God will make you better, stronger, healthier, and more sober – not despite your stumbles, but because of them.
Every stumble is just another piece of the puzzle we call life. And no puzzle is complete without that critical piece.
Rick Warren writes, “There is no Plan B for your life. Before you were born, God knew all the mistakes you would make. He also knew how he would fit those mistakes into his plan. That means you can relax. You can stop being anxious.”
For some of us, anxiety is a chemical thing. Medical treatment is necessary. But for many of us, anxiety is a choice we make, every time we fail to trust the Puzzle Maker.
Recovery Step: Have you stumbled? If so, just commit that piece of the puzzle to the one who can make the best use of it.