Saint Benedict started 12 monasteries, including Monte Cassino, where he often went to write. It was there that he penned the Rules of Saint Benedict, containing 73 chapters. One of his rules was this: “If you are fasting, and someone visits you, end your fast and eat with your guest.”
The need for connection cannot be overstated. Take Jesus, for example. He was the interruptible God. Scan through the Gospels and you will find it over and over. Men and women approached Jesus when he was busy doing something else, and he repeatedly turned to meet their needs.
Saint Benedict wasn’t against fasting; he just recognized the value of human connection, as stated in Scripture: “Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together” (Hebrews 10:25).
In recovery, spiritual disciplines are critical. But so is connection with others. So go ahead and fast. But when someone shows up in their time of need, take time to answer the door.
Recovery Step: Never underestimate the value of human connection.