God is not a fan of arrogance.
In case you weren’t sure, hear his voice: “I am against you, arrogant one” (Jeremiah 50:31).
That’s strong! God says he is against you if you live a life of arrogance.
John Maxwell said, “There are two kinds of pride, good and bad. Good pride represents our dignity and self-respect. Bad pride is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance.
In a study on arrogance, Dr. Maxim Milyavsky goes deeper. “Researchers asked employees to rate their co-workers’ arrogance and performance at work, and also measured their co-workers’ intelligence. The results showed that less intelligent and poorer performing co-workers were rated as more arrogant. That is because their arrogance was not justified by their work.
I have never known an arrogant person who did recovery well. It’s simply not possible.
Recovery Step: Don’t think less of yourself. Just think of yourself less.