In the picturesque enclave of Lake Arrowhead, California, three men attempted the crime of the century. They dressed up in bear suits and ravaged their own expensive cars in full view of security video. Then they filed claims totaling $140,000 for the damages.
But the California Department of Insurance wasn’t convinced of the veracity of their claims, so they investigated further. They found incriminating evidence – hidden bear costumes. The men dressed up like bears in order to destroy their own property, in hopes of making insurance claims.
Men and women have been hiding behind costumes and masks forever. We want to indulge in personal pleasures, but we don’t want to be seen when we do it.
Paul talked about this: “When we remove the veil from our faces we can understand the glory of Christ within us” (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Recovery Step: Remove your mask. Or bear costume.
Author: Mark Denison
Mark and Beth Denison, married for 36 years, launched There’s Still Hope as a national movement to call men and women into lives of sexual integrity. Their ministry offers 90-day recovery plans for addicts and one-on-one and group coaching for addicts and their spouses. TSH also produces resources for pastors and churches to confront the porn epidemic that is destroying so many lives.
Dr. Denison was a senior pastor for over 30 years, NBA chaplain, and board chairman at Houston Baptist University three times. With a Master’s Degree in Addiction Recovery, Mark is a certified PSAP and active member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
Mark has written four books on recovery: Porn in the Pew, 365 Days to Sexual Integrity, A 90-Day Recovery Guide, and 40 Days to Porn-Free Living. His latest book, Jesus on the 12 Steps, will be released later this year.