Four Words

Following the resurrection, Jesus showed up at a crowded room of disciples who still did not believe. They were fearful for their very lives, without purpose, direction, or hope. Jesus spoke just four simple words. “Peace be with you” (John 20:19). I’m sure there are several other sets of four-word statements the disciples would have…


Talk is cheap. You can quote me on that. Give me credit. I’m pretty sure I’m the first person to say that. So let me say it again. Talk is cheap.  Ben Johnson expounded a bit. “To speak and to speak well, are two different things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.”…

Quiet Please

There are a lot of people who have a lot to say about getting a lot of rest. Solomon: “There is a time to be silent and a time to speak” (Ecclesiastes 3:7). Blaise Pascal: “All men’s miseries derive from not being able to be in a quiet room alone.”  Mother Teresa: “God cannot be…

Six Factors

If you are going to get serious about your addiction, you will have to move from the talking phase to the doing phase. And for that you will need a plan. Jesus said it like this: “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to…


It happened one year ago today – at 2:10 pm Eastern Standard Time. It was one of the most painful, gut-wrenching moments of my life. It was at that moment that I held my beloved 15-year-old Westie in my arms for the final time, as she received the injection that ended her life. Putting Heidi…

1928 Olympics

Something strange happened during the rowing competition at the 1928 Olympics. Australian rower Bobby Pearce was in the middle of the race, when a duck and her little ducklings swam in front of his boat. Pearce slowed down, in order to let the ducks safely pass. This put him behind the competition, as none of…

Red Tomatoes

A boy went by a farmer’s garden to buy some tomatoes for his mother. Pointing at a ripe, red tomato, he asked the farmer, “How much is this one?”  The farmer said, “The ripe ones are $1 each.” “And how much are the green ones that aren’t yet ripe?” asked the boy. “Those are just…

Little Things

Recovery is big. But the steps to recovery are small. Don’t worry so much about where you will be in five years; focus on the next five minutes. Dale Carnegie was right: “Do the little things and the rest will take care of itself.”  Here are a few “little things” you need to do. Go…

A Charlie Brown Christmas

A Charlie Brown Christmas debuted on this date in history – December 9, 1965.  It was the first TV special based on the comic strip, Peanuts. In the show, Charlie Brown was depressed until Linus told him the true meaning of Christmas. The two songs performed by the children of the show were Christmas Time…


Lou Holtz said, “Some people find solutions; others find excuses. Excuses are easier to find than solutions.”  We’ve been making excuses for a long time. The first excuse-maker was a lady named Eve. Perhaps you’ve heard of her. We read, “Then the Lord said to the woman, ‘What is this that you have done?’ The…