The Ohio River

The Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers join together in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to form the Ohio River. If you want to understand the Ohio River, you must first take a look at the Allegheny and the Monongahela.  Jesus said, “It is what comes out of a person that defiles him” (Mark 7:15). Medical News Today identified the…


According to the Journal of Religion and Health (August 21, 2019), 73 percent of addiction treatment programs in the U.S. include a spirituality-based element. There’s a reason for that.  The Bible is full of examples of the benefits of a spiritual connection for those seeking to improve their personal lives. We read this account of…

BID Disease

Have you heard of BID disease? That stands for Body Integrity Dysphoria. Only a very small number of people have it, maybe 300 in recorded history. BID, which strikes mostly men, causes the patient to have an overwhelming sense that a certain limb on his body doesn’t belong. And its effects can be catastrophic. A…


Early in recovery, we attend a 12-Step meeting and are humbled as we hear others speak of their longtime sobriety – one, two, five, or even ten years. What we need to recognize is the need to celebrate early victories. There is a biblical model for this. In the Old Testament we read of the…


If you ever find yourself in a sinking car, in the arms of a bear, or jumping from a building into a dumpster from three stories up, there is a book written just for you. It’s called The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, and it certainly deserves an esteemed place in anyone’s library.  At There’s Still…

When God Says No

A common train of thought is that if we do our spiritual disciplines, go to church, and live a good life, we will be rewarded by God meeting all of our hearts’ desires.  Not so fast! Case in point – St. Peter. One day, when all was well, he made a simple request of the…

Seven Years of Marriage

Your wife has a cold. This is how you respond, each year of marriage. Year 1: “Sugar babe, I’m worried about your sniffles. I’ve made an appointment for you to see the head of surgery at St. Luke’s. I’ll take you this afternoon.” Year 2: “Darling, I don’t like the sound of that. I’ve asked…

The Green Room

When someone is a guest on a talk show, before going out, they wait in the “green room.” Before a band takes the stage, they gather in the “green room.” Before a politician offers a speech, he waits off stage, out of sight, in the – you guessed it – “green room.” So why is…

Love vs Live

“And this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God” (John 17:3). There is this dichotomy in life. On one side we have what we love, but on the other side we have how we live. For those mired in addiction, this becomes a daily battle.  I love my God, yet…

The Elevator

Bubba drove his family into the big city for the first time. Their first stop was a four-star, 20-story hotel. As they entered the lobby, an elderly woman with a cane entered an elevator. Of course, Bubba and his family had never seen an elevator before, so they just assumed the lady was walking into…