Get Real

Sex addiction is an intimacy disorder. Ron Deal writes, “For many, sex has become a hiding place, a behavior that presents the appearance of intimacy, but is really striving for self-protection.” Sadly, true transparency, genuineness, and authenticity are not descriptors of many of us. Chris Rock framed it like this: “When someone meets you, they…


There is a stream of theology running amok that says faith in God means never having any problems. Tell that to the Apostle Paul. Reflecting on his trip across the Mediterranean Sea, Paul said, “The winds were against us” (Acts 27:4). That particular storm lasted for two weeks, leading to a shipwreck. The God of…

The Driver

When I was a kid, our family drove great distances on vacations from Texas – to California, Tennessee, and Ohio. I often slept for hours in the crowded car. How could I do this? It’s simple. I knew the driver. With Dad at the wheel, I always felt safe.  I have found recovery to be…

To Know God

There is a line from AA that reads, “It was only a matter of being willing to believe in a Power greater than myself. Nothing more was required of me to make my beginning.” A knowledge of God is foundational for long-term recovery. J.I. Packer said it so well: “Once you become aware that the…


From my 31 years as a pastor and eight years of recovery work, I have come to this conclusion. Most of us are educated far beyond our level of obedience.  I often tell clients they won’t fall because they don’t know what to do, but because they don’t do what they know. It is important…

God Sees

What you see in the future, God sees in the past.  Let me say that again. What you see in the future, God sees in the past. That’s why he promises, “I will guide you with my eye” (Psalm 32:8). God sees what is coming before it comes.  What you see in the future, God…

God Sees

What you see in the future, God sees in the past.  Let me say that again. What you see in the future, God sees in the past. That’s why he promises, “I will guide you with my eye” (Psalm 32:8). God sees what is coming before it comes.  What you see in the future, God…


On June 15, 2012, Nik Wallenda crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope. That’s pretty impressive. I’ve met Nik. He’s an impressive guy and a devoted follower of Christ. But he wasn’t the first to cross the Falls. On June 30, 1859, Charles Blondin became the first to complete this unbelievable task. And he did it…

Don’t Stall at the Wall

You probably know the story that is found in Joshua 6. God told Joshua to march his men around the walls of Jericho for six days. On day seven they were to circle the city seven times, with the priests blaring their trumpets. You can read the details in Joshua 6:2-5. The following verses tell…


William Howard wrote, “The future belongs to the man who sets his sights on what is humanly unattainable.”  There are several dreams I once found unattainable in my life:  Saving my marriage Life after pastoring 2,302 consecutive days of sexual sobriety (as of today) Here’s the good news: we serve a God who turns the…