When God Says No

A common train of thought is that if we do our spiritual disciplines, go to church, and live a good life, we will be rewarded by God meeting all of our hearts’ desires.  Not so fast! Case in point – St. Peter. One day, when all was well, he made a simple request of the…

Seven Years of Marriage

Your wife has a cold. This is how you respond, each year of marriage. Year 1: “Sugar babe, I’m worried about your sniffles. I’ve made an appointment for you to see the head of surgery at St. Luke’s. I’ll take you this afternoon.” Year 2: “Darling, I don’t like the sound of that. I’ve asked…

The Green Room

When someone is a guest on a talk show, before going out, they wait in the “green room.” Before a band takes the stage, they gather in the “green room.” Before a politician offers a speech, he waits off stage, out of sight, in the – you guessed it – “green room.” So why is…

Love vs Live

“And this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God” (John 17:3). There is this dichotomy in life. On one side we have what we love, but on the other side we have how we live. For those mired in addiction, this becomes a daily battle.  I love my God, yet…

The Elevator

Bubba drove his family into the big city for the first time. Their first stop was a four-star, 20-story hotel. As they entered the lobby, an elderly woman with a cane entered an elevator. Of course, Bubba and his family had never seen an elevator before, so they just assumed the lady was walking into…

A Strong Hand

I came across an interesting quote the other day: “Sometimes the most loving thing we can do for someone who has had a relapse is to not sound loving.” The prophet said it like this: “The Lord spoke to me with a strong hand” (Isaiah 8:11).  You know someone who is struggling in their addiction.…

Oswald Chambers

In His Utmost for My Highest, Oswald Chambers writes, “God providentially produces a crisis where we have to decide – for or against. That moment becomes a great crossroads in our lives. If a crisis has come to you on any front, surrender your will to Jesus absolutely and irrevocably.” When a crisis hits, you…

Tom Dula

Tom Dula lived deep in the North Carolina Appalachians. Dula was known as a ladies’ man, and he had an on-again, off-again relationship with a woman named Anne Foster. The problem was that Foster was married to another man. Rather than break off the relationship, Dula continued to see Ms. Foster, as well as her…

How to Settle an Election

There are different ways to settle elections. What we saw in the presidential vote a few months ago continues to lead to dissention on both sides. Maybe they have figured out a better plan in Dickinson, Texas. The Houston suburb of about 22,000 citizens held a mayoral race in November. No candidate received 50 percent…

Stolen Bikes

Have you ever tried to manipulate God? Maybe you asked God for something, but then you set out to help him answer your prayer. Comedian Emo Philips said, “I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked God for forgiveness.” While I don’t…