Five Steps to Staying Sober

Dr. Steven Stosny, noted author and addiction expert, offers five steps to staying sober. Let’s jump right in. Step 1 – Practice a regimen to change old habits. Create new patterns of living that alter the behaviors that lead to acting out. Step 2 – Recondition your emotional system. Focus on regulating your emotions in…

Fun for the Whole Family

Jerry Seinfeld was probably right. “There’s no such thing as fun for the whole family.” When we say we are doing something that is “fun for the whole family,” we are inevitably favoring one or two in the family. And that’s okay. In fact, I suggest that if you are a sex addict, it’s on…


For the last five years, this has been my favorite song. In 2014, MercyMe produced Flawless. I try to listen to the song every day. It brings hope to any of us who have flaws. “No matter the bumps, no matter the bruises, no matter the scars, still the truth is – the cross has…

Looking Back

I’m nostalgic. When possible, I still enjoy driving by my childhood home, my first church, and the high school where I spent the best six years of my life. Do you often think about “the good ‘ol days”? If so, you’re in good company. King David often looked back. He said, “I thought about my…

The Longest 6-Iron

On January 31, 1971, Alan Shepherd brought a golf club to work, along with a couple of balls. But Shepherd’s “work” was a little unusual. He was the commander of Apollo 14. Six days later, his work would have him on the surface of the moon. It was then, 50 years ago today, when Shepherd…

Child Abuse

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, one in four girls and one is six boys are sexually abused by the age of 18. Psychologist and trauma specialist Susanne Babbel writes, “Thirty-five percent of child sexual abusers were once abused themselves.” With that, the cycle of abuse continues. God puts a premium on children.…

Get Your Own Dirt!

A scientist told God, “We no longer need you. We have advanced to the point that we can create anything we need with our own ingenuity.” God said, “You want to put that to a test?” The scientist said, “Sure. What do you have in mind?” God said, “Let’s each make a man, just like…

A Rabbit in the Hat

Have you every seen a magician pull a rabbit out of thin air? Or out of a hat? Let me give you some inside information. The rabbit was already there. When the magician distracted you, he was able to grab the rabbit from behind the table and trick you into thinking the rabbit must have…

A Few Good Steps

In his groundbreaking book, Unwanted, Dr. Jay Stringer writes, “The more an individual acts out, the more likely he is to deprive himself of meaningful relationships and self-care because he will not feel as if he deserves that.” But this cycle must stop. God is clear: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers…