Cleveland Cavs & Porn

Google Analytics can track data on porn site use specific to cultural events. For example, the Cleveland Cavaliers played the Golden State Warriors in the 2017 NBA Finals. When the Warriors were on the verge of winning the final game, porn use in the San Francisco area (home to the Warriors) dropped by 21 percent.…

Texas Ranchers

Two Texas ranchers were each bragging on the size of their ranch. The first rancher said, “My ranch is so big that I can get in my pickup truck on one end of the ranch and head for the other end. When the sun goes down, I’m still not to the other end of my…

St. Valentine

According to early tradition, Saint Valentine was imprisoned in Rome, where he restored sight to the blind daughter of his jailer. Another tradition adds on a legend that St. Valentine later wrote a love letter to this woman, and signed it, “Your Valentine,” before his execution. The date of February 14 was set by Pope…

How Bad Do You Want It?

In the fifth chapter of John, Jesus asked a poignant question: “Do you want to get well?” (5:6). For too many of us, we sculpt our lives around the pain. We become so comfortable with it that the prospect of doing whatever is necessary to become well is more frightening than the pain itself. For…

Mad As Hell

“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore!” (Network, 1976) Forgive my language, but to borrow from the movie, if you are married to a sex addict, it may be that until you are mad as hell and unwilling to take it anymore, your spouse will not get desperate. Don’t misunderstand.…

Melville Weston

If today is your birthday, you are in good company. The following people were born on February 11: Thomas Edison (1847), Lloyd Bentsen (1921), Leslie Nielsen (1926), Tina Louise (1934), Burt Reynolds (1936), Jeb Bush (1953), Sheryl Crow (1962), Sarah Palin (1964), and Jennifer Aniston (1969). And Melville Weston. Don’t forget about Melville Weston. You…

Five Steps to Staying Sober

Dr. Steven Stosny, noted author and addiction expert, offers five steps to staying sober. Let’s jump right in. Step 1 – Practice a regimen to change old habits. Create new patterns of living that alter the behaviors that lead to acting out. Step 2 – Recondition your emotional system. Focus on regulating your emotions in…

Fun for the Whole Family

Jerry Seinfeld was probably right. “There’s no such thing as fun for the whole family.” When we say we are doing something that is “fun for the whole family,” we are inevitably favoring one or two in the family. And that’s okay. In fact, I suggest that if you are a sex addict, it’s on…


For the last five years, this has been my favorite song. In 2014, MercyMe produced Flawless. I try to listen to the song every day. It brings hope to any of us who have flaws. “No matter the bumps, no matter the bruises, no matter the scars, still the truth is – the cross has…

Looking Back

I’m nostalgic. When possible, I still enjoy driving by my childhood home, my first church, and the high school where I spent the best six years of my life. Do you often think about “the good ‘ol days”? If so, you’re in good company. King David often looked back. He said, “I thought about my…