Flashlight Day

In late December, we celebrate the biggest holiday of the year. Today’s the day – National Flashlight Day. Because December 21 is the day of winter solstice, making this the day with the least sunshine, this date has been forever immortalized. It is for today that David Misell was born. On January 10, 1899, the…

There’s Still Hope

The message of this Christmas Season is one of hope. James Cameron was the only survivor of a 1930 lynch mob, and he would go on to found America’s Black Holocaust Museum. How did he survive the mob – physically and emotionally? In his autobiography, A Time of Terror, he wrote, “With faith and prayer…

Death Notice

The Bible tells us to deal rather harshly with our sexual sins. “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry” (Colossians 3:5). We are to “put to death” all sexual immorality. What does that look like? How do we do that, exactly? I…

How to Help Your Friend

Do you know someone who has an addiction? Let me help you with that one. The answer is “YES!” That’s like asking you if you know someone who has a nose. The real question is this: What are you doing to help your friend with the addiction? Let’s start with the words of Scripture. “A…

Get Started

A full 100% of those who never started recovery never recovered. Amazing stat, huh? But the reality is that so many men and women fail simply because they don’t start. I love the words of Anne Frank: “How wonderful it is that nobody should wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Here’s…


Let’s talk about fear. The funny thing about fear is that, to quote Mark Twain, “I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” Someone defined fear as “False Evidence Appearing Real.” There is enough trouble in the world without imagining more. The prophet said, “Say to those with fearful hearts,…

Potato Chips

Best Life publication has produced “20 Crazy Facts that Will Blow Your Mind.” On their list: Humans are the only animals that enjoy spicy foods. Humans are also the only animals whose brains shrink. It is impossible to hum while holding your nose. Aldous Huxley and C.S. Lewis died the same day as JFK. Potato…


There was a woman in the Bible named Naomi. With her husband, she had two sons, and was blessed to see them both marry. But a famine in the land brought great loss, as Naomi’s husband and both of her sons died young. Out of pure loyalty to her mother-in-law, Ruth vowed to stay with…

35 Years

Satirist Tom Lehrer commented, “It is a sobering thought that when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years.” Born in the Holy Roman Empire in 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived just 35 years. But in those 35 years, he composed more than 600 works and is still considered perhaps the most…