Core Beliefs

Patrick Carnes has identified four basic core beliefs of every sex addict: At the root of every addiction is an intimacy disorder. Usually, this manifests itself with insecurity and low self-esteem. Perhaps now is a good time to remind you of your identity in Christ. Celebrate the following. You are accepted (Romans 15:7), chosen (John…


I was the strange guy who enjoyed algebra in high school. I’ve always loved mathematics and formulas. So here’s a formula for you. What does it mean? P+P=A Your wait is over. These three letters represent the following: Problem + Powerlessness = Addiction. You can have a problem without it being an addiction. And you…

Nugget from Nouwen

Henri Nouwen wrote the following devotional, which I read recently. I want to share it with you in its entirety. May it bless you as much as it blessed me. “I am growing in the awareness that God wants my whole life, not just part of it. It is not enough to give just so…

Bicycle Face

Most things we fear never actually come to pass. For example, in the late 19th century, doctors warned women about a new disease called bicycle face. The theory was that when a woman rode a bicycle for an extended time, the facial expression they held throughout the ride would become permanent – flushed face, bulging…

Why We Do It

Are sex addicts the only people who bring trauma to the lives of those they love? Tony Campolo offered the following perspective: “Each of us comes into the world with a predisposition to inflict pain on those who love us the most.” This is confirmed by Scripture. “All have sinned and fallen short of the…


The word for today is – desire.  The Bible begins with a cautionary tale – before Adam ate the fruit, the fruit had eaten Adam. He was eaten up with desire.  Psychiatrist and philosopher Dr. Neel Burton says the problem with desires is perception. We desire more things (including sex) when we perceive we don’t…

Planting Gardens

“Plant gardens and eat what they produce” (Jeremiah 29:5). Let me translate that for you. If you want to enjoy a good recovery tomorrow, you need to do good recovery work today. If long-term sobriety sounds like a worthy goal, you need to plant a good garden today. Here are a few of the plants…

Bad News

I’ll admit it. My spiritual gift is worry. My team is ahead, but they’ll probably blow it. The stock market was up yesterday, but today it will probably crash. The tests said there was nothing wrong with me – yet. I’m like the guy who thinks that every time the football team goes into a…

New Glasses

I recently got a new pair of glasses. I can see clearly now. For those of you who have to squint to read this, you probably didn’t know that trees have leaves and those leaves change colors. But sometimes we see too much. I would argue that there might actually be too much news on…

Learning Pyramid

The Learning Pyramid offers some great wisdom for how to do successful recovery. Developed by educational theorist Edgar Dale, the conclusion is that people learn more effectively when they participate in the learning process. The first four layers of the pyramid are passive learning. In order from least effective to most effective, they are: lecture,…