There’s a little verse in the New Testament that reads, “Abraham went out, not knowing where he was going” (Hebrews 11:8).
Notice three things.
1. Abraham didn’t wait until he had all the facts before he stepped out. Life is about direction, not destination. When God directs, start walking, whether you can see the finish line or not.
2. Knowledge is not power; obedience is. Yes, knowledge is a good thing, but we are empowered in our spiritual walks and in recovery, not be what we know, but by what we do.
3. Where you end up is secondary. The Hebrews passage fails to say where Abraham’s journey took him. That’s because our job is to walk in obedience. Where that leads is God’s problem.
Oswald Chambers wrote, “Have you been asking God what he is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell what he is going to do; he reveals to you who he is.”
Recovery Step: Today, just do the next right thing.