When I completed the manuscript for one of my books a couple of years ago, I sent it to a new editor. A few weeks later, she returned my manuscript, citing at least 100 mistakes. My response? I found a new editor.
We all want to be edited – up to a point. I can identify with Mort Sahl, the comedian who died this year. Sahl said, “My life needs editing.”
With my book, I was okay with most of the mistakes. No one I know would have caught 99 percent of them. No offense, but most of my readers just aren’t that sharp! So it wasn’t worth it (in my mind) to make so many changes, when my editor was probably the only person who would have noticed.
There are times with our recovery that there is only one Person who will notice our work – the Master Editor. We live for an audience of One. And when that One suggests some edits, we would always be wise to listen.
Recovery Step: Your life needs editing. God calls it “transformation” (Romans 12:2). When He suggests a few changes, listen. Then obey.