Imagine that you have two items on your kitchen table – a cup of coffee and an empty glove. You are thirsty, so what do you do? Try this. Tell the glove to pick up the coffee mug and lift it to your lips.
You probably know the likelihood of the empty glove performing this task is not high. What’s missing? Your hand is missing. The glove can do nothing on its own, but if you put your hand into the glove, it can do amazing things.
You are the empty glove. You are powerless to achieve anything on your own. But when filled with the Holy Spirit, the hand of God is free to move. And with him in control, you can do amazing things.
The Holy Spirit helps (John 14:26), convicts (John 16:7), and indwells (1 Corinthians 3:16). He gives wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:10), guides (John 16:13), and gives spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) And he seals (Ephesians 1:13) and empowers (Romans 8:26).
Recovery Step: Let the Holy Spirit fill your glove.