God heals. As much as he healed in biblical times, God heals. The lame, the blind, and the addicted. God heals them all. The question is not whether God heals, but how God heals.
Sometimes, God heals immediately. “Jesus said, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ So he stretched it out and it was completely restored” (Matthew 12:13).
Other times, God heals gradually. In Mark 8, we read about a blind man whom Jesus healed in stages. First, he gave the man partial sight; later, he gave him total sight.
And then God heals eventually. Paul prayed for healing several times (2 Corinthians 12:7-9). And each time he was denied. He came to understand that (a) God had other plans, and (b) his healing would come later, perhaps not until he was restored in heaven.
How God heals is his business. Just know that he knows what he is doing. Jennifer Rothschild writes, “Jesus always elevates people above procedure.”
Recovery Step: Will you ever be completely healed of all addiction, temptation, and urges to act out? Absolutely! But leave the when and how in God’s hands.