How did you learn how to walk? I wasn’t there, but I’ve come to this conclusion: Walking is nothing more than controlled falling.
You learned to walk by learning to quit falling. It was only by not falling that you learned how to walk. No one walks without falling a few zillion times first. That’s why toddlers are made of rubber – so they bounce back up when they fall.
Not only do I know how you learned to walk, I know what God wants from you today. “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).
This “humble walk” can be mastered, but only after lots of falling, lots of encouragement, and by coming to the decision that falling really isn’t a sustainable, long-term answer.
Recovery Step: Before you learn how to walk in sobriety, you will fall a few times. And many of us still stumbled while taking our first steps. That’s how we learn. And that’s how we eventually get it right.