There is a fascinating verse in the Book of Acts, which describes one of the early church leaders, an eloquent communicator named Apollos. The passage says, “He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and he spoke with great fervor and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew only the baptism of John” (Acts 18:25).
Let me translate that. Apollos had incomplete truth.
He was very familiar with the work of John the Baptist. Though less knowledgeable about Jesus, he passionately spread the good news of the Gospel. His understanding of the truth was accurate. But it was incomplete.
A lot of us are like Apollos when it comes to recovery. We know some things, but we don’t know everything. If that is you, I offer two suggestions.
- Don’t wait until you understand it all before you give it away.
- Keep learning.
Recovery Step: Seek to broaden your understanding of recovery. But in the process, heed the advice of Henry David Thoreau: “The greatest thing you can give away is the truth.”