In 1966, the new Metropolitan Opera House opened in New York. It was one of the social events of the 20th century.
But imagine if the Board of the Metropolitan Opera had said, “For our opening night, with the greatest orchestra ever assembled, we’re going to invite homeless people, and as many down and out people as we can find, to fill the opera house for our inaugural performance.”
That is what God did when he invited the shepherds to witness the first Christmas.
But these shepherds, while simple, blue-collar workers, were special in one way. “Living out in the fields, they kept watch over their flocks at night” (Luke 2:8).
Great things come to those who are in the right place when they are supposed to be there, doing the right thing, one day at a time.
The same principle works in recovery. Doing the right thing every day, with consistency and resolve, brings results you can’t find any other way.
Recovery Step: Establish one simple recovery habit today. Then repeat it tomorrow.