I should have been on the debate team in college. And high school. And preschool.
I love a good debate. I never miss a presidential debate. Don’t get me started on the Nixon-Kennedy debates of 1960. Or Carter-Reagan twenty years later.
I love to watch debates, and I love to participate. But that’s not always a good thing.
Many times, in life, you have to pick one: you can make a point or you can make a difference. Said another way, winning arguments is not nearly as important as winning people. Joseph Joubert was right: “The aim of an argument should not be victory, but progress.”
God isn’t looking for a bunch of debaters. He was pretty clear about that.
“He has told you, ‘O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?’” (Micah 6:8).
Recovery Step: A man convinced against his will remains unconvinced still. So drop the debate. Spend less time making a point, and more time making a difference.