God loves the worst of us on our worst days just as much as he loved Billy Graham on his best day. Oswald Chambers wrote, “The miracle of the redemptive reality of God is that the worst of the vilest offenders can never exhaust the depths of his love.” The great apostle said it like this: “God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
So don’t beat yourself up for the failures of your past. (You have plenty of “friends” who will do that for you.) Instead, focus on what can be, rather than on what has been.
While your past decisions and mistakes may have contributed to your addiction, they did not guarantee your addiction. To quote the St. Gregory Recovery Center, “While it’s true that poor decisions may have contributed to your addiction, millions of people make poor decisions every day and do not become addicted.”
Here’s the takeaway. You may have made a mess of things, but even you can’t make a mess too big for God.
Recovery Step: What you mess up, God can clean up. The only failure is in quitting.