On the eighth day, God created M&Ms.
Okay, that may be a bit of a stretch. But M&Ms are almost too good to have been created by man. Do you know why they are called M&Ms? The creators named their candy after themselves: Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie. Mars was a wealthy businessman who created the Milky Way bar, the Mars bar, and – get this – Uncle Ben’s rice. He was paid handsomely for his work.
For Murrie, on the other hand, things didn’t work out so well. He was the son of William Murrie, founder of Hershey Chocolate. But he lacked his dad’s business acumen, as he sold his 20 percent share of M&Ms right away, when holding those shares for just a few years would have turned him into a zillion, ten times over.
One bad mistake cost Murrie a fortune. I know a lot of people who made one bad decision, and it cost them big time. In fact, that is the story of every addict.
Recovery Step: The best way to avoid bad decisions is to make good ones. Start with this. Decide that you and your house will follow the Lord (Joshua 24:24).