A man was walking across the prairie when he saw a farm in the distance. And on the farm was a man pumping a well. As the traveler got closer, he was amazed at the consistent, effortless work of the man pumping the well. Then, when he got closer, the picture became clear. Beneath the man was running water. And the “man” was not real. His movement was the result of the running water. He wasn’t pumping the water; the water was pumping him.
David wrote, “All my springs are in you” (Psalm 87:7).
God wants to fill you, encourage you, and use you. But it only works if you surrender to him and let him do the pumping. Spiritual exhaustion is often the result of service. Whether or not you experience exhaustion will depend on where you get your supplies.
Recovery Step: Recovery is hard work. And in your own effort, it is impossible work. Tap into the power of God through a daily walk with the King, and you will have all the power you need.