It’s one of my 100 Recovery Rules. Addiction cripples, but secrets kill.
Dr. Alex Lickerman, the author of The Undefeated Mind, writes, “Deciding to not reveal a hurtful secret is usually easy while deciding to reveal it is hard. But if it’s a secret you’re withholding from someone with whom you’re intimate, it represents a barrier, a schism, between you and that person. It is a good rule of thumb to not have any secrets to keep at all, nothing you can’t tell the people who matter to you the most.”
“Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord” (Isaiah 29:15).
Beginning in the Garden, man hid from God. That was the genesis of who we are today. We are still hiding. We hide our emotions, our habits, our phones, our relationships, and our hearts. We guard our secrets as if they were gold bars encased in a pile of diamonds.
You have a choice: secrets or intimacy. You can’t have both.
Recovery Step: Quit hiding.