You probably never think of restraint as a part of recovery. But holding back, saying nothing, and remaining calm – are some great signs of maturity. And recovery.
Mark Batterson wrote, “Sometimes the greatest miracle is restraint: holding your tongue or resisting temptation or keeping your anger in check. Jesus set the standard before a kangaroo court of false accusers. Instead of cursing his executioners, he said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do’ (Luke 23:34). It was love that led Jesus to the cross. It was willpower that kept him there.”
If you have lived for more than ten minutes, you have been offended by someone. They say something inappropriate, vulgar, triggering, unkind, and hurtful. Your first instinct is to get even. You want to correct them, rebuke them, and put them in their place.
But what good will that do? Try doing what Jesus did. Pray for your accuser. Forgive your antagonist. Save your energy for when it can make the biggest difference.
Recovery Step: Learn to let things go. Show restraint.