Ours is a society of lists. We make a list each day, of all the things we want to accomplish that day. And that’s a good thing. But then our lists can become our god. And that’s a bad thing.
Jim Rohn said, “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.”
“The fruit of the Spirit is . . . self-control” (Galatians 5:23).
You really have just two options, two binary choices. You can let each day run your life, or you can run your day. Let me offer three ways to do the latter.
- Do a morning devotion.
- Say some midday prayers.
- Make an end of day call.
We all want to live in sobriety, recovery, and total freedom. But that can only happen when we take control of our days – every day.
Recovery Step: Billy Graham said, “God has given you just enough time to do all the things he wants you to do every day.” Success comes to those who are intentional about planning their days. I’ll say it again. You can run the day, or the day will run you.