
Looking for a good laugh? Consider these nuggets of wisdom from the great Mark Twain. Better yet, let’s consider some even deeper truths from King Solomon. I love to read. Some of my favorite topics are history, theology, philosophy, politics, biographies, and sports. I enjoy the classics – the works of Tolstoy, Dickens, Twain, and…


Preparation is everything. Think of anything you’d like to accomplish: running a marathon, saving some money, losing 15 pounds, securing long-term sobriety. In each case, preparation is everything. Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” If…


You can believe anything you want, but that doesn’t make it true. I can believe I’m an NBA superstar, but that belief will not get me a great jump shot. I can believe I’m a millionaire, but that won’t pay the bills.  Believing something and being something are two different things.  Did you know there…

The Answer to Worry

Worry. It’s something we are all really good at. We all know how to worry and we all worry more than we should. The great Charlie Brown said it like this: “Sometimes you lie in bed at night and you don’t have a single thing to worry about. That always worries me!” As an addict,…

Mr. Beast

I googled “Famous people born on May 7.” These are the 12 names that came up: Tommy Fury, J Balvin, Jacob Bongiovi, Julia Antonelli, Chad Tepper, Sarah Baska, Rico Nasty, Tahani Anderson, Blake Rivera, Michael Rosen, Chiara Ferragni, and Mr. Beast. (Yes, Mr. Beast.) I’ve heard of exactly one of them – Tommy Fury (boxer).…

Why People Fail

Bestselling author Harvey Mackay has identified seven reasons that people fail in any endeavor. These hold true for recovery. I suggest you identify just one item from this list, which applies to your life and struggles. Correct this shortcoming, and you will see your recovery rise to an unprecedented level. Make the following passage of…

The First Jenner

Before there was Bruce Jenner, Caitlyn Jenner, Kendall Jenner, or Kylie Jenner, there was a man named Edward Jenner. While Edward never made the cover of People magazine, never changed sexes, or did any of the other things that make today’s headlines, he did have one thing on his resume that is pretty impressive.  In…

Others Will Hate

“Don’t be surprised if the world hates you” (1 John 3:13). Why did that verse have to be there? I mean, if we do everything right, we will be loved and celebrated by everyone in our path, right? Wrong. If you base your confidence, let alone your recovery, on the opinions of others, get ready…

It Doesn’t Make Sense

Some things just don’t make sense. Let’s consider just a few examples. There is no egg in eggplant, no ham in hamburgers, and no pine or apple in pineapples. English muffins were not invented in England, and French fries were not invented in France. Quicksand takes you down slowly, and boxing rings are square. Vegetarians…

Pursuing Passions

The biggest reason we get into trouble is that we don’t get into anything else first. In recovery, it is critical that we replace unhealthy passions with passions that are worthwhile. In his book, Facing the Shadows, Dr. Patrick Carnes writes, “Practice hobbies, sports, and activities you enjoy. Cultivate these parts of your life so…