One Day at a Time

One day at a time. We hear that at 12-Step meetings all the time. And it’s true. We can only claim sobriety one day at a time. That may be as important a truism as you will ever hear in the recovery world.  For validation of this principle, we need look no further than that…


I am a card-carrying member of PPA – People Pleasers Anonymous. I suspect most of us are. And making others happy is generally a good thing, up to a point. But as addicts, we can cross that point, almost without notice. Norman Vincent Peale said, “The problem with most of us is that we’d rather…

Cash In

Justin Timberlake delivered this line in The Social Network (2010): “A million dollars isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A billion dollars.”  Paul wrote, “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).  Money can present challenges for anyone. But that is especially true for the sex addict. I’m sure you…

Never Hang Your Head

I stepped into my first recovery meeting in 2013. I have met a lot of men and women with successful recovery. I have something to learn from all of them. But as I think about each one, there is a common thread that runs throughout each one.  Those with solid recovery come from different backgrounds,…

Little Things

Focus on the little things. Make a meeting. Call someone in recovery. Work one Step. Pray a short prayer. Go for a walk. Read a good devotional. Memorize one verse of Scripture. That’s how you secure sobriety – by stringing together several “little things.”  Dale Carnegie said, “Do the little things right and the rest…

Mistaken Identity

I’ll give you a name and you tell me what he is best known for – Gaston Chevrolet. I’ll give you a few hints. Gaston Chevrolet was a race car driver early in his life. He competed in the 1919 Indianapolis 500. Got it? If you said he was the guy for whom the Chevrolet…

Tickets on the Windshield

Bob came out of a local store, only to be greeted by a motorcycle cop writing a ticket. Bob asked, “Why the ticket?”  The officer replied, “Your tags are expired.” Bob responded, “You are a pencil-necked idiot!” The cop proceeded to add three more tickets to the car’s windshield. “What do you have to say…

Devils and Angels

Saint Augustine said, “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” Clinicians cite several benefits of humility. Let’s name two of them. Dr. Anna Schaffner concludes, “A humble mindset has significant positive effects on our cognitive, interpersonal, and decision-making skills.” And David Robson writes, “Humility fosters trust,…

Standing Tall

Men usually quit growing by age 18, women a little earlier. And we know that people tend to shrink with age. But did you know we shrink throughout each day? You are your tallest first thing each morning. According to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, this may be due to gravity compressing cartilage in our spines…

The Three C’s of Recovery

There are three C’s to recovery. “I didn’t cause it.” “I can’t cure it.” “I can’t control it.” So what can you do?  You can work the Steps, do daily recovery work, and go to meetings. Next week, do it again. As you do your part, God will do his part. And recovery will be…