Library Joke

Here’s your library joke for the day. A man walked into a library and the librarian pulled out a gun and shot him dead. The cops rushed in and arrested the librarian on the spot.  “Why am I under arrest?” asked the librarian. “Are you arresting me for shooting that guy?” “No,” said the cops.…

33 Roses

In order to express his love for his young girlfriend, a young man ordered 21 red roses for her 21st birthday. But because he was so kind to the florist, unknown to him, the florist added an additional dozen roses out of sheer kindness. Thus, the 21-year-old lady got 33 roses, along with a card…

Instant Cake Mix

In 1947, General Mills introduced its first instant cake mix. They expected overwhelming success, but the cake mix didn’t sell well. The company was confused, because it had reduced a difficult task to a mix that only required adding water. The problem was that the process was made too easy. General Mills hired a marketing…


Writing for Psychology Today, Dr. Lawrence R. Samuel cites seven keys to success: Reject the model of money, power, and fame. Avoid comparisons to others. Take a holistic view of yourself. Celebrate your victories, no matter how small. Accept failures. Prioritize relationships. Leave something behind. Let’s talk about #5. It is important, in any aspect…

No More Spins

A politician was asked for his opinion of whisky. “If you mean that demon drink that poisons the mind, pollutes the body, desecrates family life, and inflames sinners, I’m against it. But if you mean the elixir of Christmas cheer, the shield against winter chill, the taxable potion that puts needed funds into public coffers…


In the sixteenth century, an English playwright named John Haywood died about a decade after William Shakespeare was born. He was less famous than Shakespeare, but perhaps you’ve heard of some of his work. Haywood coined the following phrases: “Many hands make light work,” “Better late than never,” “A rolling stone gathers no moss,” and…

Listen to Willie

According to the Cleveland Clinic, 80 percent of our thoughts are negative. Willie Nelson was right: “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” Let me help. Here are a few positive thoughts that will shape your future. When you have a few moments alone, perhaps driving in your car…

Forget, Don’t Forget

What you think today, you will do tomorrow, and you will become the day after that. The good news is, you get to choose what thoughts will consume your mind.  Here’s the problem – we tend to remember what we should forget and we forget what we should remember.  The same Bible that says, “Forget…

You Can Do It in a Lifetime

“Take life one day at a time.” Pretty good advice, right? Well, yes – and no.  Here’s the thing. We must focus on daily goals, but also keep our eye on the prize. Mark Batterson writes, in Do It for a Day, “We overestimate what we can accomplish in a day, but we underestimate what…

Four Men in an Elevator

On August 10, 1948, a television producer named Allen Funt debuted a reality TV show called Candid Camera. In one episode, called “Face the Rear,” an unsuspecting person boarded an elevator and did what normal people do – he faced the front. That’s when three actors entered the elevator, and each faced the rear. Hidden…