Independence Day

For those living in America, today is Independence Day, which marks the birth of the nation. When I celebrate today, two thoughts come to mind. “Our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). “What the people want is very simple – they want an America as good as its promise” (Barbara Jordan). We have daily readers…

Golf Lesson

A man loved to play golf. But one Saturday, he returned home from a game with a friend much earlier than expected. His wife asked him why his game ended so soon. The man answered, “Would you want to play with someone who whines about every shot, complains constantly about the course, and makes obnoxious…

Pa Won’t Like It!

A farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. His neighbor heard him scream in frustration, and invited him over for lunch.  The farm boy said, “That’s mighty nice of you to invite me over, but Pa won’t like it.” After a delicious lunch, the man said to the farm boy, “Before lunch, you…

Arkansas Hunters

A couple of Arkansas hunters were deep into the woods when one of the men suddenly collapsed. His friend immediately called 911. “I think my friend is dead! What do I do?” The operator tried to calm the man down. “Stay calm. The first thing you need to do is make sure your friend is…

Give God the Power

Jesus offered the key to supernatural power. “Abide in me and I will abide in you. Just as the branch cannot produce fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me” (John 15:4).  Until you abide in Christ, Jesus has this to say about your expectations for…

Married at 100

Larry and Henry were two 80-year-old friends who met for lunch the first Monday of each month. One day, before they even sat down at the table, Larry turned to Henry with a question.  “Who was that cute girl I saw you with at church yesterday?” Henry: “That ‘cute girl’ is my new wife.” Larry:…

Free Concert

A couple had their car stolen while shopping at a mall. While they were at the police station reporting the crime, the car was returned to the mall parking lot with a note on the windshield. “I am so sorry for taking your car. Let me explain. While walking through the parking lot, my wife…