
You’ll never get far in life – or recovery – without accountability.  Leadership expert Stephen Covey said it like this: “Accountability breeds responsibility.” In other words, if you want to live responsibly, you must first live accountably. (Yes, “accountably” is a word.) The Book of Ezekiel tells a great story of accountability. God made the…

The Worm in the Apple

The only thing worse than finding a worm in your apple is finding half a worm in your apple. You know the other half is there, somewhere, but you don’t know where. So how does a worm get into an apple, anyway? I’m glad you asked.  An insect lays an egg in an apple blossom.…

Church vs. Casino

Question: What’s the difference between a prayer at church and a prayer at the casino? Answer: The guy who prays in the casino does so with much more intensity.  Unfortunately, the only time most of us engage in prayer is when we are desperate for healing, forgiveness, or a miracle. I love these words, which…

The New Colossus

You may not be familiar with poet Emma Lazarus. And you may not recognize the title of her most famous work, The New Colossus. But if you are from America, you will be very familiar with the following words from that poem. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.…

24-Hour Challenge

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, author of Words That Hurt, Words That Heal, states that he asks audiences whether they can go 24 hours without saying any unkind words about or to anyone. Invariably, very few people answer “yes.”  Here’s my challenge. Commit to going the next 24 hours without doing any of the following: Criticizing your…

Trash Day

Dr. Joyce Brothers mused, “Marriage is not just a spiritual communion. It is also remembering to take out the trash.” If you are a sex addict, you need to take out the trash. Solomon said, “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). Your…


I recently preached at The Church of the Cross, in Bradenton, Florida, where Pastor Stan Pavlovich is one of my closest friends. Before the second of three services, I met a dear lady named Mary. Mary is an amazing woman. This 87-year-old Navy veteran of the Korean War has many talents, including baking. Mary gave…

Ranking Top 6 Triggers

The topic in my seven Freedom Groups a few weeks ago was “Triggers.” As part of the exercise, I had the guys in each group tell us what their primary trigger is, that makes them want to act out. The list began with the traditional H.A.L.T. triggers (hungry, angry, lonely, tired). I added two more:…


A close friend returned from an extended mission trip in Asia. He came home with great stories and deepened faith. And one other thing. A pair of chopsticks.  Talk about annoying. Every time we had lunch at a Chinese restaurant, he ate everything but the soup with chopsticks. And he wasn’t even good at it.…