The Ohio River

The Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers join together in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to form the Ohio River. If you want to understand the Ohio River, you must first take a look at the Allegheny and the Monongahela.  Jesus said, “It is what comes out of a person that defiles him” (Mark 7:15). Medical News Today identified the…


According to the Journal of Religion and Health (August 21, 2019), 73 percent of addiction treatment programs in the U.S. include a spirituality-based element. There’s a reason for that.  The Bible is full of examples of the benefits of a spiritual connection for those seeking to improve their personal lives. We read this account of…

BID Disease

Have you heard of BID disease? That stands for Body Integrity Dysphoria. Only a very small number of people have it, maybe 300 in recorded history. BID, which strikes mostly men, causes the patient to have an overwhelming sense that a certain limb on his body doesn’t belong. And its effects can be catastrophic. A…