

On this date in 1842, anesthesia was used for the first time, in an operation by American surgeon Dr. Crawford Long. But he did not publish his success for seven years, so the world didn’t know what he had done until 1849. Imagine living in the “good old days.” Days without electricity, running water, cars,…


The $25 Piano

In 1992, a lady in western Maryland by the name of Ellen Kelly bought an old piano for $25. Twenty-seven years later, she found 110 old baseball cards in it. Among the cards was a Babe Ruth rookie card, which she sold for $130,000.  That old piano was pretty worthless on its own. The wood,…



There have been some pretty remarkable inventions that have changed the world through the years. That list includes: And the battery. Don’t forget the battery. The first battery dates back to 1800, when Italian physicist Alessandro Volta wrapped a stack of copper and zinc discs in a cloth, submerged it in salty water and discovered…



Nick was tired of being picked on. When the neighborhood bullies persisted, Nick pulled out his phone. He warned the other boys, “All I have to do is press a few buttons on my phone, and my Dad will walk out of our house, and come to my rescue.” The boy’s father was Terry Bollea.…


Know the Signs

A relapse can come at any time, usually because you don’t recognize the warning signs. Remember, a relapse is a process more than an event. It is imperative to recognize the signs, which include: You need to recognize the warning signs of relapse. And when you see them, respond accordingly. And if you do have…



Global navigation used to be a difficult endeavor. Compasses, maps, marine chronometers, and the stars helped humans populate almost every corner of Earth, but these methods are not particularly useful for precisely navigating an aircraft or unknown landscape on foot. Enter the Global Positioning System (GPS), a network of satellites that constantly transmit signals that…


Not Crushed

You have been tested, tempted, and trampled. Paul said, “We are hard pressed on every side, but we are not crushed” (2 Corinthians 4:8). John Quincy Adams said, “Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.” Long-term sobriety is all about perseverance. Let me suggest a few keys to…


Jars of Clay

Paul said, “We have this treasure in jars of clay” (2 Corinthians 4:7). God has always placed the finest treasures in the most breakable jars. Here are just a few examples of God’s broken soldiers: Recovery Step: Each of these men and women were jars of clay. But it turns out, those are the only…