Parkinson’s Law

According to Parkinson’s Law, the amount of time it takes to complete a task depends on how much time is allotted. In other words, it will take two weeks to complete a project if you are given two weeks. If you are given four weeks to complete the same work, you will take four weeks.…

Keep at It

It happened on this day in history, in 1825. The Erie Canal opened. But it didn’t come easily. The 363-mile passage from the Hudson River at Albany to Lake Erie at Buffalo was the brainchild of several engineers who began meeting in the 1780s. Eventually talk became action. Sometimes, progress takes time.  It took over…

Scary Jesus

Mark 4 tells the story of Jesus in the boat with his disciples. When the storm hit, the disciples panicked and called out to Jesus, who was asleep in the boat. After Jesus calmed the storm, we read a most intriguing verse.  “They were terrified” (Mark 4:41). Notice, that they were terrified after the storm,…

Road Signs

I have driven to Mt. Evans in Colorado. It is the highest elevation of any highway in America. And along the road, there are countless road signs, warning of twisting roads, sudden drops, rock slides, and more.  Imagine that, instead of posting all of the signs, they had no signs, but built a massive hospital…

Smoke Screen

“Don’t trust their words; trust their behaviors.”      – Beth Denison I’ve heard my wife say that a squillion times. If you are the wounded spouse, you need to identify the addict’s smoke screen. Addicts are liars, manipulators, and actors. That doesn’t make us bad people, but it does make us hard to read. With time,…

Willie Mays’ Catch

On September 29, 1954, Willie Mays made the most famous catch in the history of baseball. It was Game 1 of the World Series. With two runners on base, Cleveland Indians star Vic Wertz sent a towering fly ball over the head of the young outfielder. Turning his back on the ball, Mays sprinted toward…

Five Rocks

I’m sure you’re familiar with the story of David and Goliath. A young boy did what the strongest men in his nation could not do – he took down the giant.  You will recall that he brought five rocks to the fight. “David took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the…

One Day

In one day, Charles Servizio did 46,000 pushups. Ben Feldman sold $20 million worth of insurance in a day. Will Ferrell played for ten MLB teams in one day. In one day, mosquitoes kill more people than sharks kill in 100 years. Each day, 4.5 million thin mints are baked for Girl Scouts. And in…

The Right Armor

Never go into battle wearing another person’s armor. “Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them. ‘I cannot go in these,’…


An interesting survey found that 57 percent of us have bought or read a book based solely on its cover. And a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults who bought a book based on the cover found that a whopping 96 percent of these people said the book met their expectations. That is the power of…