600 People Are Watching You

According to research conducted by Columbia University, you probably know about 600 people. That means 600 people are watching you. To each of them, you make a difference – good or bad. Now, I’m not saying you know 600 people well, just that you know 600 people. The question is, what difference does your life…

Chess Boxing

I play chess. My son boxes. In fact, he boxes better than I play chess. In Finland, you can do both – at the same time. It’s called “chess boxing.” Players make a few chess moves, then engage in a round of boxing. They keep alternating between chess and boxing until 11 alternating rounds have…

Ya Gotta Believe

President Theodore Roosevelt said, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” Maintaining a positive spirit is key to success in any field. Especially recovery. Never let the failure of yesterday dictate the outcome of tomorrow. Max Lucado said, “Meet your fears with faith.” And Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers…

Name This Guy

Can you name this person?  Born in Mississippi, he was raised in rooming houses. He wanted to be a musician, but never had any kind of formal musical training. When he tried out for choir in the eighth grade, his music teacher gave him a “C.” Undeterred, he bought his first guitar the next day.…


You’ve been hurt or falsely accused. You long for vindication. I get it. I’ve been there.  Oswald Chambers wrote, “Our weakness lies in always wanting to vindicate ourselves.” Writing for Psychology Today, Dr. Lori Katz addresses this subject head-on. She cites the key to peace: “You must disengage from the entire drama of pain.” Seeking…

Something to Celebrate

Jesus told a story about two debtors who each owed the same man some money. In today’s terms, one of them owed about $5,000, while the other owed $75,000. Both men had their debt forgiven. Jesus asked his audience this question: “Which one will love the lender more?” (Luke 7:42). The answer was, of course,…

This Day in History

A lot of big things have happened on this day in history – September 18. Cornerstone is laid for the U.S. Capitol Building (1793) Creation of the phonograph (1877) CBS debuted (1952) Roger Clemens struck out 20 batters (1996) But the most significant September 18 event came in 1964. It was on this day, 58…

Four Strikes & You’re Out!

Life is not always fair. On August 2, Houston Astros star Yordan Alvarez led off the third inning in a game against the Boston Red Sox. For some unknown reason the umpire lost track of the pitch count, awarding Alvarez another pitch when three strikes had already been called. Life is not always fair.  The…

The Power of Forgiveness

The power of forgiveness is well-documented.  Johns Hopkins Medicine conducted studies that conclude that our health is greatly impacted by our willingness to forgive those who have harmed us. Their findings: “Studies have found that the act of forgiveness can reap huge rewards for your health, lowering the risk of heart attack; improving cholesterol levels…

Cooking with Wine

We are always looking for something to soothe our pain. That’s why I often say that porn isn’t a bad problem as much as it’s a bad solution. We use it to make something else go away, if even for the moment. Porn is just one drug that does the trick. W.C. Fields said, “I…