Fast and Furious

There’s a great line from the movie, The Fast and the Furious: “I live my life a quarter mile at a time.”  Dr. Eric Maisel writes, “Recovery requires daily exercises and paying daily attention to your life’s purposes.” If you desire long-term sobriety, I offer this advice – Stop it! Let me explain. While long-term…

Charles Reilly

On this day in history – April 29, 1892, Charlie Reilly did something that had never been done in a baseball game before. He was baseball’s first pinch hitter. We all need a pinch hitter at some point.  At some point in every hitter’s career, they come out for a pinch hitter. There are times…

Mess Up, Clean Up

God loves the worst of us on our worst days just as much as he loved Billy Graham on his best day. Oswald Chambers wrote, “The miracle of the redemptive reality of God is that the worst of the vilest offenders can never exhaust the depths of his love.” The great apostle said it like…

How to Become a Billionaire

Let’s start today with some financial advice. I’m going to give you one tip for financial planning. If done successfully, it will guarantee your financial security and that of your children and grandchildren. Ready? Here it is.  Become Steven Spielberg’s beneficiary. Why? Because Spielberg has the most expensive life insurance policy in the world –…

Get Outta Dodge!

Ever hear the phrase, “Get out of Dodge?” From whence does that come? In the late 1800s, cowboys often moved their cattle north from Texas into Kansas territory. This took them through a town called Dodge, where legendary lawman Wyatt Earp helped keep the peace.  They made a TV show out of it, called Gunsmoke,…


A man was walking across the prairie when he saw a farm in the distance. And on the farm was a man pumping a well. As the traveler got closer, he was amazed at the consistent, effortless work of the man pumping the well. Then, when he got closer, the picture became clear. Beneath the…

King James Living

A few weeks ago, I was privileged to speak at the memorial service of my lifelong pastor, Dr. Cecil Sewell, Jr., who went to be with the Lord at the age of 84. His pastor was kind enough to invite me to attend his church the morning of the memorial service. What I found in…

Joe DiMaggio

One year, Joe DiMaggio missed much of the season with a minor injury. He saw this as a good opportunity to sit with his son, Joe, Jr., at a ballgame. So one day, rather than sit in the dugout, DiMaggio wore dark glasses and a ball cap, while sitting with his son in the stands…

Where You Should Die

President John Quincy Adams was a man of firsts. He was the first son of a president to become president himself. He was the first president to serve in Congress after his presidency – for 18 years. He was the first president whose body was transported to its burial place by train. And he was…

Stephen King

On June 19, 1999, author Stephen King was taking an afternoon walk along a familiar road near his home in Maine. A driver named Bryan Smith, distracted by a dog in his van, was driving the same route. He swerved to the side of the road and struck King, sending him 14 feet through the…