Do you talk to yourself? There’s nothing wrong with that, but I’d be alarmed if you start hearing responses.
I heard about a study that found that 96 percent of us talk to ourselves. Talking to yourself is actually biblical. In the 42nd Psalm, the Sons of Korah talked to themselves. They asked themselves the same question three times: “Why are you downcast?”
That’s probably not the best way to talk to yourself, with a negative focus, but who am I to question the Sons of Korah?
If you like to talk to yourself, perhaps you could benefit from the counsel of Jerry Bridges. He advises, “Preach the gospel to yourself today.”
Talking to yourself can have great benefits, depending on the content. Why don’t you try a little positive talk today? Throughout the day, remind yourself of God’s goodness and your hope. Speak words of life to yourself. But if you’re in a crowded place, don’t be too loud.
Recovery Step: Talk to yourself today. But be careful what you say.