Spencer Johnson wrote a popular book called The Present: The Secret to Enjoying Your Work and Life Now. His premise was that to have a life that is effective, you have to learn how to be “fully present.” Most of us have trouble with that. We are too concerned about yesterday, even though we can’t do anything about it. Or we are too apprehensive about tomorrow. God provided a way for us to be “totally present” in every situation and every relationship. It’s the Sabbath Principle.
We need to set aside one day in seven in which we shut things down. We don’t look backward; we don’t look forward. We look around – at our family and our God.
The early church demonstrated this principle well.
“On the first day of the week we came together to break bread. Paul spoke to the people, and, because he intended to leave the next day, kept on talking until midnight” (Acts 20:7).
Recovery Step: Make your Sabbath Day count this week.