Before you were conceived, you existed in an egg cell in your mother’s ovaries. That ovum measured one-tenth of one millimeter – a microscopic miracle-in-waiting. The average woman carries more than a million eggs in her ovaries, which makes you one in a million. Of course, that’s only half the equation. The average ejaculation contains as many as three hundred million sperm. In other words, there once was a swim meet – 300,000,000 swimmers lined up in the starting blocks, and you won that race!
King David was right: “You were fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).
But the news gets even better. The God who created you will never leave you. In your worst moments, he is there. In your pain, he is there. In your loneliness, he is there. He will walk with you every step of the way.
But there’s more.
The God who created you in the past, who walks with you in the present, will provide for you in the future.
Recovery Step: Know this – where the finger of God points, the hand of God will provide.