We find this interesting little verse tucked away in the middle of the Psalms. “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen” (Psalm 77:19).
What do you do when you can no longer see God’s footprints?
We want his path to always be clear. We want to see it all laid out in front of us, where we can’t possibly miss God’s footprints. We want to be sure that where we are going, he has already been.
But sometimes, we must walk under dim lights. Philip Yancey said it well: “I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”
You have been following God’s path. But the next steps seem less certain. So what do you do? I suggest three things.
- Keep doing what you’ve done.
- Keep going where you’ve been.
- Keep reading what you’ve read.
Recovery Step: When the path is unclear, stick with what has worked so far. What has worked in the past will take you through the mighty waters of the future.