What we in America call “football” has its roots in European rugby and what we call “soccer.” Imported to the states in the 1800s, these games evolved into what would eventually become the National Football League, which recently celebrated its 55th annual Super Bowl. Tom Brady has won 50 of those Super Bowls.
The modern rules of gridiron football were first developed at McGill University in Montreal in the late 1800s, and then adopted by schools and clubs in the United States.
Great success comes from humble beginnings.
The Bible says it like this: “Though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great” (Job 8:7).
In 1935, a New York stockbroker and a surgeon from Akron founded Alcoholics Anonymous. Today, there are 115,326 registered AA groups around the world. Chances are, the success of AA has touched your life either directly or indirectly.
Again, great success comes from humble beginnings.
Recovery Step: Forget destination. Think direction. Then take one step in the right direction – right now.