The next time you attend a recovery meeting, I can tell you how to tell who in that group has the most sobriety. It will be the person who got up earliest that morning.
Sobriety is truly a one-day-at-a-time proposition.
Charles Schulz said it like this: “Life is like an ice cream cone. You have to lick it one day at a time.”
You can only scale Mt. Recovery one step at a time. It’s the next meeting, the next call, the next prayer. It’s about diverting your eyes, saying the Serenity Prayer, changing the channel. Recovery is the accumulation of a whole bunch of small things done well.
I read somewhere that “the cow jumped over the moon.” Maybe cows can do that. I can’t. I must be content with small steps, not giant leaps.
Recovery Step: “Take no thought about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take thought about the things of itself” (Matthew 6:34). Recovery can be yours – one step at a time.